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Service Station ESA Project

Earthmaster was commissioned by a commercial business to assess an area where refined petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil was present due to historical service station activities.

A Phase II ESA, in accordance with CSA Standards, was conducted to assess and delineate the amount of impacted soil. Based on the assessment, it was determined that approximately 1750 m³ of impacted soil was present within the property. Following the assessment, Earthmaster discussed the site with the client and provided recommendations for remediation.

Earthmaster assessed the site to the complete satisfaction of all stakeholders. The assessment was completed in a timely and safe manner without disrupting the business activities at the commercial property, thereby saving dollars for the client. A detailed report was presented to the client and submitted to the regulatory agency on their behalf.

For more information on this project or our ESA services contact
Adam Dunn at
 or 403-201-5111 (ext. 226)
Kent Cryer  at
  or  403-201-5111 (ext. 231)