PEPSystems Alternative Soil Treatment
An intermediate oil and gas company asked Earthmaster to remediate over 9,000 m³ of hydrocarbon-impacted soil from emulsion spills. Due to the high trucking costs to the nearest Class 2 landfill, an alternative disposal method was needed.
Earthmaster proposed phytoremediation using PEPSystems®. Three regulator approved soil treatment facilities were set up near the contaminated sites. After spreading the soil to a depth of 0.40 m, it was conditioned, amended, and seeded with a PGPR-treated grass mix in late autumn.
In the first treatment year, plant growth was robust, achieving 100% ground cover. Soil tests showed a 65% reduction in F2 hydrocarbons and a 17% decrease in F3 levels. Based on results from similar sites, Alberta Tier 1 Criteria were met within three growing seasons. The project’s cost is forecast to be 30-40% lower than landfill disposal.

PHC impacted soil stockpiled on-site.

Brush removal from the phytoremediation treatment pad area.

Surface soil & organic material stripped & stockpiled.

Clay is compacted in 0.15 m layers.

Hydraulic conductivity testing for ESRD compliance.

Impacted soil is spread to depth of 0.50 m.

Rototilling of impacted soil and fertilizer application.

Early summer plant growth across the treatment area.

Excellent plant growth across the treatment area.

Baling vegetation for removal from the treatment area.

Fall application of fertilizer to the treatment area.

Results from PHC impacted site northern BC.