Wetland Construction
Earthmaster was contracted to construct a shallow open water wetland as a cost effected strategy for reclaiming an excavation that had filled with water resulting from remediation activities following a pipeline release. The wetland was constructed in a wooded poor fen area in northern Alberta.
Based on the vegetation assessments the constructed wetland area was deemed to be a fully functional wetland microcosm compatible with the adjacent ecosystem, entirely self-sustaining and providing an opportunity for plants, wildlife, and waterfowl to thrive.
The project secured regulatory compliance, offered cost-saving measures, and addressed stakeholder concerns. Its success influenced future wetland designs in the province.

2,500 cubic meters of soil were removed to create the excavation.

4 different types of vegetation areas were constructed.

115 assessment plots were used to assess vegetation growth.

Range of species diversity index values calculated to be 0.57-0.96, indicating a good early successional ecosystem.